Our vision of the future
Lorem ipsum - something something about how businesses understood news & banners on websites similar to magazine ad pages & billboards but in digital form. But refused to adopt social media.
Lorem ipsum - something something about how every business has had to adopt social media marketing, and invest in dedicated departments to connect with younger audiences.
The most common form of entertainment to have gone digital, is has been to consume content as a viewer or reader. Having little to no active participation in the content.
Amongst the first form of content consumed on the internet, read-only media platforms still remain resilient. Platforms such as Medium allow users to contribute content. As read-media suggests, that's mostly the extent of the user's participation.
Engagement is minimal with the majority of conversations happening on other platforms.
Content platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and others have content created by its users. Beyond livestream chat, when viewing content, a user can effectively sit back & watch.
Users engage, but do not actively participate in the content unless streamers interact directly with them.
Popular OTT platforms such as Netflix, Disney+, Hulu have shifted consumption from cable TV to online. Using algorithms to suggest & influence content to be produced.
Users don't actively participate in the experience.
The only way to make real connections in today’s digital age is to give audiences opportunities to actively participate. Gone are the days of passive entertainment, even Netflix has begun investing into games. We thirst to share unique experiences with others and the rest of the world.
The way we interact with the digital world will change forever. From 2D flat interfaces to dynamic virtual environments.
We watch but actively participate in the content by interacting with the streamer and other audiences in the chat.
With more creative tools available and access to the internet, it’s become easier and cheaper for anyone to not just consume, but create.
Now added into every app, platform, and even workplace. We have gamified life by making otherwise mundane tasks fun.
Preparing businesses for the near future, where users will migrate to consume content. Our solutions will help to make meaningful connections for the next generation of digital entertainment.
(start of 2nd story)
Video gaming industry is $200bn USD, esports just 0.5% of it, industry experts expect it to be 10~20%.
*USD 200bn and growing exponentially
Digital natives are as old as 30, 0.5% of them consume esports. We expect that to grow to 20%, and later 30% in the years to come
*14.5% YOY Revenue Growth, 100% YOY User Growth (the industry)
Of esports fans notice who’s sponsoring the event
Research from ‘YouGov’
Of gen z respondents have tried a recommendation from a ‘digital creator’
Research from ‘Fullscreen’
As described above, consumer behaviour has evolved. Attention is being grabbed by Games & Esports.
Classic brands will find difficulty reaching younger consumers if brands are not present where they choose to consume and engage with content.
Businesses are looking to invest in the industry but don’t know how.
We have a clear product vision, that is well encompassed and demanded by the market
We deliver a 1-stop solution that has the Tech, Team and Experience
Our tech provides clear data driven analytics to provide decision making insights
Why brands must get into Esports
High engagements & lifetime value
Esports serves a mass market of digital natives that increasingly choose games as their main form of entertainment. The accessibility of mobile and the effects of the pandemic has acted as catalysts to its growth.
The esports community is tightly connected, vocal and loyal to brands who are able to ’speak their language’.
A US study found that 37% of media consumption took place in gaming, but only 2% of media spending went to this category that has 8.7% YOY audience growth.
Traditional Sports Ad Spend
spent per viewer
Sports fans spend an average of $50 USD
Esports Ad Spend
spent per viewer
Esports fans currently spend an average of $5 USD
This discrepancy will soon change significantly with esports fan average spend GROWING 3X $15 US in the next few years. Brands that grab this unique opportunity will lead in the race of capturing the attention of young audiences.
Full Esports Value Chain Summary of EaaS
Fun, Intelligent Marketing Summary of Media Marketing
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